Timmerman musings

Friday, February 23, 2007

A musing for early 2007

How do you get over the fact that nobody wants to listen to what you have to say. I have lots of thoughts and musings going on in my head. But who is interested? Who wants to hear? Perhaps an easy way to find out who is reading would inspire confidence for more writings.

Friday, July 21, 2006

The many options of software for communication

Here at the University of Waterloo we attempt to provide a set of tools to enable communication both within the University and to the wider community. However, with a somewhat limited IT staff to support the tools, we are in a constant dilemna of which tools to support. Every tool takes installation, configuration and most importantly, regular updates.

Since you are reading this offsite, we don't yet support blogging tools on our website. And perhaps we should just take advantage of publicly available opportunities instead of building everything ourselves.